Swati Mandal
A Passionate from India

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About Me

I'm a Passionate

A Mission-driven full stack developer with a passion for thoughtful UI design. I'm quick learner and pursues knowledge to excel in future endeavor and helping people to enhance there learnings through providing them with practical experience and Knowledge. I'm keenly fascinated and is quite focused about building excellent website and tools for clients ranging from individuals and small-businesses all the way to large enterprise corporations. I want to make things that makes a difference.
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Services & Assistances


Helping people to get practical experience and knowledge and helping to enhance there confidence by mentoring, judging, Organising & even helping others to organise one.

Documentation & Blogs

Writing accessible technical documentation for reaching out to more and more individuals with qualitative and stimulatig inputs to learn & get practical experience in best possible way.

Front End Web Dev + Programming

Using efficient, reusable font-end abstrations to build robust web designs and creating programms for solving real world problems, resulting in higher user satisfaction by codes.

Events/Live Streams/Video

Creating video content for sharing my knowledge in the community around and engaging the live streams to highly produced videos. Even organises various knowledageble and interestig live events.


Reaching out, guiding and helping collegues, friends and others through various communities by giving talks, mentoring, volunteering and even helping others to organise one ( selected for Gssoc'21 )

Open Source (Git + Github)

Contributing in opensource by making my projects, documentatins, etc. and even contributing to various organisations in open source.( Explore here )

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

I have handfull experience in following skills and still learning and practicing more and more. I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions.I like to code things from scratch, and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.

Give a look to My Amazing Projects
HTML 100%
CSS 80%
Javascript 70%
Git & Github 75%
BootStrap 100%
Mongo Db, ExpressJs 80%
ReactJs (redux, hooks, thunk ,saga ) 75%
NextJs 80%
C, C++, Python, Sql 100%
Pug, Slim, CSS, Sass, Less 100%
NodeJs, npm 80%


Contact me

Get in Touch

Swati Mandal
Palam, South-Delhi, New Delhi, India
Message me